Now, you have reached the final step for the run of WPS. Metgrid will horizontally interpolate the meteorological fields from ungrib
to simulation grids defined by geogrid
Export the library path
Just like geogrid
and ungrib
, export the library path.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/shared/spack/opt/spack/linux-amzn2-zen2/intel-2021.5.0/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4-a3txw6pecfmvci7zgwpr3p7nzlqt2k2m/lib
Load the compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-mpi
Run metgrid
Run the metgrid. There will be four outputs expected with the name met_em*
in this tutorial.