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Running WRF

Congratulations on your successful running of WPS. 🥳

Now you are just one step away!

Copy the WRF file in a newly created WRF folder in /scratch. You can name the folder into whatever name you want, e.g., WRF1, WRF202210, etc.

cd /shared/scratch
mkdir WRF
cd WRF
cp -a $(spack location -i wrf%intel)/. /shared/scratch/WRF

Go into the WRF/run directory and link themet_em* files.

cd run
ln -sf /shared/scratch/WPS/met_em* .
ls -alh

successful link met_em in run

Edit the namelist.input and make necessary changes, or simply overwrite the namelist using the info in the pre-built namelist in the Resources tab. The details, including &time_control and &domains have to be the same as defined in the namelist.wps.You may change the &physics option here too. Refer to UCAR Website for best practices.

nano namelist.input

Execute the real.exe program

It is always good to reload the compilers every time you run the executables because it might need it, especially after you log off the terminal.

spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-mpi

Load the WRF package before you run. Run WRF to prepare the met_em files by executing real.exe.

spack load wrf
mpirun -np 1 ./real.exe

Check the rsl.error files to ensure that the run was successful. To do that, you can use the tail command. Usually, the rsl.error.0000 will contain the most information.

tail rsl.error.0000

This indicates the successful run of real.exe:


successful real.exe run

Now you are ready to run the wrf.exe. We can use slurm to submit and distribute the tasks to different compute nodes. For slurm to run WRF, ensure that it is in the same directory where your wrf.exe is located. Amend the information according to your needs.
cat <<EOF >
#SBATCH --job-name=WRF
#SBATCH --output=penang-%j.out
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --exclusive

spack load wrf
set -x
wrf_exe=$(spack location -i wrf)/run/wrf.exe
ulimit -s unlimited
ulimit -a

export FI_PROVIDER=efa
export I_MPI_FABRICS=ofi
export I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=omp
export KMP_AFFINITY=compact
export I_MPI_DEBUG=4

set +x
module load intelmpi
set -x
time mpirun -np \$SLURM_NTASKS --ppn \$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE \$wrf_exe

Submit the slurm job. You can check the run by squeue.

spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-mpi
spack load wrf

You can cancel a slurm job by using the command:

scancel <jobid>

Check the rsl.out.0000 file to see if the run was successful.

You will see a successful message printed at the end of the file.

tail rsl.out.0000

successful output of wrf