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WPS Configuration

Load the compilers before you do anything.

spack load intel-oneapi-compilers
spack load intel-oneapi-mpi


Copy the WPS folder instead of using soft links.

cd /shared/scratch
mkdir WPS
cp -a $(spack location -i wps%intel)/. WPS/
cd WPS

Jasper Installation

Jasper is needed for WPS, so you have to install it.

spack install jasper@2.0.31%intel

Check if the jasper version 2.0.31 is installed.

spack find

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Export the paths needed for WPS to work.

export JASPERLIB=$(spack location -i jasper@2.0.31%intel)/lib64
export JASPERINC=$(spack location -i jasper@2.0.31%intel)/include
export WRF_DIR=$(spack location -i wrf%intel)
export NETCDFINC=$(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)/include
export NETCDFLIB=$(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)/lib
export NETCDF=$(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)
export NETCDFF=$(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/shared/spack/opt/spack/linux-amzn2-zen2/intel-2021.5.0/jasper-2.0.31-skcu73p6hnlgov6teechaq6muly2xrez/lib64=/shared/spack/opt/spack/linux-amzn2-zen2/intel-2021.5.0/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4-izf5fn4mw4y4mcgdjed7jp7bypsfi3s2/lib:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Check if the variables are imported correctly.


Copy the contents of lib and include netcdf-c to netcdf-fortran of the Intel compilers.

cp -a $(spack location -i netcdf-c%intel)/include/. $(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)/include/
cp -a $(spack location -i netcdf-c%intel)/lib/. $(spack location -i netcdf-fortran%intel)/lib/

Edit configure.wps File

Configure the WPS installation.


Choose '17', for Intel serial compilers.

If you did not set the path for NETCDFINC, type Y, then paste the NETCDFINC paths as given above.

nano configure.wps

Look for WRF_LIB and add -qopenmp after -lnetcdff -lnetcdf then save.

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Before compiling, notice the original copied files of WPS. You can view them by typing:


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The compilation of the executables can begin. The files that will be created are geogrid.exe, metgrid.exe, and ungrib.exe.

./compile > log.compile

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After compiling, you should see new files created in the folder. You can view them by typing:


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If you want to start over the creation of the WPS executables, you can use the command below. Note that it will not delete any files, e.g., met_em, .nc, etc., other than those created in the compilation process.


to reset WPS settings!

./clean -a